Saturday, November 10, 2012


We had soo much FuN at NaNa's HaLLoWeEn PaRty with FrIeNdS and FaMiLy!  NaNa planned many ExCiTiNg GaMeS and FaLLoN was a GrEaT AnNoUnCeR for the games!  LoVeD seeing everyone DrEsSeD Up; even the AdUlTs!

We Love Running Outside!
Ninja Fallon
The Little Butterflies Protector
Glenna - Ice King
Travis-Skeleton Man
Kids All Dressed Up
Nana- The Party Planner
Putting My Skeleton Together!
Finding Our Skeleton Pieces!

Sweet Puppy Dog Calvin
The Boys
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys & Girls!  Now that was a fun game & the next one is going to be really scary!
Throwing Skeleton Hands Into the Buckets
Throwing Rings onto the Witch's Hat
Now It's the Adults Turn!  We got to use a Little Bit Bigger Rings!
Ava & Her Papa
Pretty Miss Brilee
Waiting for a Creepy Adventure of Finding the Glow in the Dark Creatures!
And They're Off!
Papa Trying to Scare the Kids!
And Travis Joined in Too!
Kyson trying out the Ice King Mask
Papa Showing the Grandkids How it is Done!

Thursday, November 1, 2012