Sunday, June 15, 2014

Shrek the Musical

FaMiLy VaCaTiOn 2014

Fort Worth Zoo
 Six Flags Over Texas

End of the Year FuN DaY 2014

Old Cabniet Door

I bought this old cabinet door at a garage sale and repainted it to make a "Days Until" Chalkboard.  I did not think to get a before picture.  We enjoy counting down the days to fun events such as holidays, vacation, and birthdays.  This was my first time using Chalkboard paint and I really wasn't sure if it would work, but it works great.

Kids Fest 2014

EaStEr 2014

We had a GrEaT time EaStEr EgG HuNtInG with Hailey at Nana's on Saturday.  We got rained out on our EaStEr EgG HuNt on Sunday at Johnny & Nancy's, but still enjoyed getting to see family.  We did not get any pictures on Sunday, so these are only for our hunt at Nana's.